15 Most Useful Tips for Sublime Text

Let’s see some of the most useful tips for Sublime Text. If you are a programmer and writing code for development. You want an IDE (Integrated Development Environment). In my opinion, Sublime Text is the best one out there. I am using Sublime text since when it was very new. And now they have released … Read more

How To Check the Link Is Dofollow Or Nofollow?

You may have read somewhere the words dofollow or nofollow links. If you are learning SEO most likely you may have seen these terms. These terms are very important in the world of SEO. You may have seen many websites sharing dofollow blog list, dofollow forums list or dofollow blog. Many SEO beginners do not know … Read more

Work on fiverr learn how to get it more in 2018

If you want to earn some more work on fiverr and earn good money from the internet. There are many ways to do so. I listed some of them right here. And one of the best ways of earning money is to start doing freelancing. Freelancing is the term used for people who work on … Read more

How to send AJAX request using JQuery

Ajax request is the combination of asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It is not a programming language. Ajax is client side script that used to communicate with the server while sitting on the same page or refreshing the page. The definition of Ajax I have read is “AJAX is the art of exchanging data with a server, and updating … Read more

WordPress Vs Blogger: Which one is better?

The comparison between WordPress vs Blogger is happening from the start even since WordPress came and blogging started. As you may already know both of these are systems helps us to create our own blog to share with the world. It’s like a piece of cake to create your blog nowadays using any of these … Read more